Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Better Alternative to Getting a Second Job

I have been stressing about getting a second job for a while now. Since I am a single mother, it would be very hard to work another job. Then I realized that I don't necessarily need to do that. I can work by saving more money instead of making more money. This would essentially create the same effect towards paying off my bills. Since I enjoy saving money, this will be way more fun than working a second job.

Here are just a few tips for saving money for yourself:

1. Groceries

Start by shopping at a discount store such as Aldi. Try to buy generic foods as much as possible. Also try combining coupons with sale items at your local grocery store. Check out for free weekly lists which combines coupons and sale items. Many of these items turn out to be free and sometimes you even make money. Be careful with this though. It can be easy to get too carried away and end up with way more toothpaste than you'll need for the next year! Also when using this list, consider your alternatives before buying. I usually sort the list by percentage saved and mainly focus on items that are more than 50% savings. If there are certain name brand items that you frequently purchase consider buying coupons from a coupon clipping service. You can buy multiples of the same coupon that way.

2. Don't eat out! I know this is easier said than done. This is my biggest weakness because I hate cooking. Is there such thing as a restaurantaholic?

3. Consider canceling subscriptions or services that you do not use.

4. Shop around for insurance, cable, internet, and anything else that you can't completely cancel. I recommend doing this annually.

5. Shop at thrift stores or consignment shops for clothing. You would be surprised at what you can find in these stores.

6. Save on electricity by turning off lights and televisions when not in use. Also unplug small appliances, laptops, etc.

7. Think before you buy! Whenever you are about to spend money, ask yourself "Do I really need this?" You will be surprised how often you will put it back when you do this.

Feel free to share your money saving ideas below.